Sunday, December 20, 2009

The cold has broken my brain

So I forgot to post the pictures of the snow and ice that I've found. This is out my window.

I was downtown one day and saw these fountains, filled with ice but still fountaining along nicely.

So that's the extent of winter here. I think a white Christmas is just a dream. :(

1 comment:

  1. Well, Logan, those fountains would be block solid here in VT as it has been about -15℃ for a few days here, just starting to thaw. The lower east coast including ACK and the Cape got 20+ inches of snow, a big deal for them. We didn't get anything. I conducted a Winter Solstice celebration on Sunday night at the nature center, it was pleasant to have a campfire outside.
    I'm making up gingerbread dough tonight, and the neighbors' kids will come over to help decorate them Wed. night. That will be about the tail end of my holiday baking efforts.
    Thanks for putting up the photos. We're enjoying France vicariously through your eyes. Joyeux Noel! Sandal
